
Nothing but net

Violated again and again

A lessor turned foe not friend.

Yup, you thought we’d be recourse-less

But we got beaucoup resources.

You thought you had a virgin tenant

But your actions made me mad attentive.

You really thought you had me. 

You thought I had no voice.

Your unethical negligence is astounding

You tried to force my choice.

My cries are loud, 

my moans are heard. 

Though I want to 

unleash my tongue and fists;  

I vow to stifle my words. I swear to hold her back.

My divine right to protect my brood, 

apparently was misunderstood.

Though fury rages inside,

 though my angry fire burns…. 

I know my God has gone before me, 

as surely as the world turns. 

Don’t take my calculated actions as defeat,

Yup, I know the rules of the game.

I’m strategically setting the pick.

You ‘gon remember MY name.

Uh,  I’ll see you on the court, sir

You shool ain’t seen nothing yet

‘Cause Jesus is my point guard 

And with HIM it’s always nothing but net.


Baby steps. 

I’m not gonna lie. I’m a lottle( a mix between a little and a lot) apprehensive about joining a class offered at the local gym. Truth be told I wanted to wear my shades while I did my workout. Not necessarily for glamour but security. I’m uncomfortable in my skin. I love to dance. I love Zumba. I worry that I won’t be able to keep up. I love pilates.I worry that they’ll think I don’t belong. Literally sweating like a prostitute in church. Folks know I should be there but secretly judging. Monitoring my form. Watching me wander around looking for the appropriate machine and trying to figure out how to operate it. I guess like the first day of school jitters at 35 mind you & and a mother of 6. What the what?!? Why do I care!?!

I care because I’m uncomfortable. I hate the roundness. The jiggly inner thighs. The lack of booty curvature that I once possessed. I miss my old body. The one I sculpted right after the twins. Le sigh.

So my plan is to work up to a class I attend solo. My plan is to murder this fat and find my peace in this skin I’m in. I guess I’ll take my motto from Bill Murray’s character, Bob in What About Bob?


Baby step to the gym. Baby step to Zumba. Baby step through cardio.

I can do this. I can do this. I will do this. I must do this.

What’s my motivation? Freedom. Fat person jail is not for me. I’ve been framed. 😩😁

I have great things to do and this body is trying to hold me hostage. A healthy freedom is in my future. And judging looks, rude whispers or sabotaging family members will not stop me.

I’m busting out of this plump prison and once I taste the sweet taste of freedom I’m not going back. This time when I step out I’m gonna rock my shades like the Boss that I am, only this time it’ll definitely be for glamour.

Family, Uncategorized

Happy PASCHA!👼

NormalAppImage(6)What is Pascha?

Pascha comes from both the Greek and Latin words for “Easter,” the holiday that celebrates the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The verbal form of this word, pascho in Greek, means “to suffer.” Originally, the Hebrew word pasach referred to the Passover feast (Exodus 12) that was celebrated during the same week Jesus was crucified. In the Jewish tradition, Passover is 8 days long, beginning Nissan 15, to celebrate the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

Different religious traditions celebrate Easter at different times. The Western Church (both Roman Catholic and Protestant) celebrates Pascha or Easter on the Sunday immediately following the Paschal full moon of that year. This Paschal full moon is based on historical tables rather than lunar events. Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. The Orthodox (Eastern) Church bases their Easter on a Julian calendar that they claim follows the ruling of the Council of Nicea.

The apostle Paul refers to Jesus as “Christ our pascha Lamb” or “Passover Lamb.” First Corinthians 5:7 reads, “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” During the Jewish Passover, a spotless lamb was killed at sundown and roasted as a meal for the family in the home. At the first Passover, the Lord required that blood from the lamb be marked on the sides and top of the door of each Jewish family’s home.

In the New Testament, Jesus became the sacrificial lamb of Passover, which represented freedom and salvation for God’s people. In fact, some have observed that the blood on the posts and lintel of the door can be connected to form a cross. The cross has become the “door” that provides salvation for believers and causes death to “pass over” them.

Recommended Resources: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Logos Bible Software




Bless God for sending His son. Christ our pascha Lamb.

The cross has become the “door” that provides salvation for believers and causes death to “pass over” them. Make sure you Don’t linger in the doorway.

Enjoy your families today and remember why we celebrate. He Reigns!


Can’t stand the heat get outta the kitchen


Miserable people are exhausting.
Their negatiativty is draining.
It may sound like I’m complaining
but I need to vent
about the relent-less barrage
of callous attacks
on my mental sanity and integrity.
She thinks she got the best of me
but she don’t even know. 
I got favor!
People savor my creations,
I build relations
with my delightful temptations.
It’s sad that
instead of bringing your A game
you brought the same lame
vindictive crap
you tote around town
like a hobo satchel.
Your 1987 grocery store decorating self couldn’t match my skills in custom cakes.
It’s really sad that you don’t know the rules to the game. 
You don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. Chef Boyaredee here’s a PSA for you.  You’re way to salty to be involved in the sugar arts.
Have several seats,  away from MY kitchen.



Don’t touch.

My mother passed along great advice in my youth: don’t touch things that aren’t yours. As a mommy of 6 myself I found this advice rather necessary to keep some semblance of order. As I sit here near tears over the angry attitude someone choose to have with me I can’t help but to apply this rule to life in general. Their attitude is not my business. I don’t own it, therefore it’s not mine. I should NOT pick it up, touch it or let it bother me. Their attitude is THEIRS! Looking at it from this perspective helps bring about a certain peace I didn’t have before. If someone wants to be upset, let them. It’s not your job to cheer them up or fix it. I can only adjust my own attitude. They can move their own antennas to adjust their attitude. If it’s not yours, DON’T TOUCH!





Today is new, yesterday is gone
I’m isolating myself.
From now on
Tired of being unseen/unheard.
I’m So freaking alone.
No drama for this mama.
I’m staying in my safety zone
Where’s my friend. My patna, my ace.
You got me twisted if you think I’m up for the chase.
I don’t think you did it intentionally but you did not consider me.
Bible says do unto others
as you’d have them do unto you.
Tears of sorrow.
Feeling blue
This time it’s about me and not about you.
I STILL love you.
But it’s time I love me more.
It’s time for me to rediscover me and see what life has in store.
I’m sure solo ain’t that bad. The wisest advice I’ve ever did hear: learn how to be your own company.
A Happy New Me And A HAPPY NEW YEAR.


Spring fresh in the Fall


Thinking today on Pheobe Buffay,my favorite FRIEND’S  character’s, song ~SMELLY CAT~
♫ Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat it’s not your fault…
They won’t take you to the vet.
You’re obviously not their favorite pet.
You may not be a bed of roses,
And you’re no friend to those with noses.
Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat, it’s not your fault! ♫

I am the mother of 6 kids. 3 boys, 3 girls.
They say (not quite sure who THEY are, but I digress) they say boys are made from snakes and snails and puppy dogtails. Little girls are made with sugar and spice and everything nice. They lied. Well, partially. The boys part is true. They lied about girls. Girls are smelly also. Upon doing a non-spring spring cleaning I balked at the stench wafting from the children’s room. Candles and oil warmers were no match for the funk arresting my nose. Sooooooooooo I quickly researched and found out how this Bohemian mama could cheaply make air freshener to supply her smelly family. I credit this wonderful recipe to

1. The classic spray air freshener

To make a spray air freshener, you need just four materials: 1) a spray bottle, 2) water, 3) rubbing alcohol (90% alcohol or so), and 4) essential oils of your choice (for each of these, I used just ylang ylang since I really really like it).

Combine 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup alcohol, and add 15-25 drops of essential oil of your choice (depending on how strong you want the scent). Shake the mixture before spraying. The alcohol will help the spray evaporate more quickly, but be careful, the floor may be a little wet for a minute or so after spraying.



Spring fresh in the Fall


Thinking today on Pheobe Buffay,my favorite FRIEND’S  character’s, song ~SMELLY CAT~
♫ Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat it’s not your fault…
They won’t take you to the vet.
You’re obviously not their favorite pet.
You may not be a bed of roses,
And you’re no friend to those with noses.
Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat, it’s not your fault! ♫

I am the mother of 6 kids. 3 boys, 3 girls.
They say (not quite sure who THEY are, but I digress) they say boys are made from snakes and snails and puppy dogtails. Little girls are made with sugar and spice and everything nice. They lied. Well, partially. The boys part is true. They lied about girls. Girls are smelly also. Upon doing a non-spring spring cleaning I balked at the stench wafting from the children’s room. Candles and oil warmers were no match for the funk arresting my nose. Sooooooooooo I quickly researched and found out how this Bohemian mama could cheaply make air freshener to supply her smelly family. I credit this wonderful recipe to

1. The classic spray air freshener

To make a spray air freshener, you need just four materials: 1) a spray bottle, 2) water, 3) rubbing alcohol (90% alcohol or so), and 4) essential oils of your choice (for each of these, I used just ylang ylang since I really really like it).

Combine 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup alcohol, and add 15-25 drops of essential oil of your choice (depending on how strong you want the scent). Shake the mixture before spraying. The alcohol will help the spray evaporate more quickly, but be careful, the floor may be a little wet for a minute or so after spraying.



Culinary creativity

image I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so many vegetables in one week in my WHOLE life. But I KNOW my body will thank me for it. I’ve already gotten complements on my appearance and glow(?) Idk. All I know is my bathroom and I are besties now. Sorry Nay & Alicia! Water is my friend once again but oooh how I miss my Ex. His name is sugar. He has quite a few aliases or nicknames: ( Agave nectar (Often with HFCS) Agave syrup (Often with HFCS All natural evaporated cane juice Amasake Amber liquid sugar Anhydrous dextrose Apple butter Apple sugar Apple syrup Arenga sugar Bakers special sugar Barbados Sugar Barley malt Barley malt syrup Bar sugar Berry Sugar Beet molasses Beet sugar Beet syrup Blackstrap molasses Blonde coconut sugar Brown rice syrup Brown sugar Buttered syrup Candy floss Cane crystals Cane juice Cane juice crystals Cane juice powder Cane sugar Caramel Carob syrup Caster sugar Castorsugar Cellobiose Chicory (HFCS) Coarse sugar Coconut palm sugar Coconut sap sugar Coconut sugar Coconut syrup Coco sugar Coco sap sugar Concentrate juice (Often with HFCS) Concord grape juice concentrate Confectioner’s sugar Corn sugar (HFCS) Corn syrup (HFCS) Corn syrup solids (HFCS) Corn sweetener (HFCS) Cornsweet 90 ® (really HFCS 90) Creamed honey (Often with HFCS) Crystal dextrose Crystalline fructose Crystallized organic cane juice D-arabino-hexulose Dark brown sugar Dark molasses Date sugar Decorating sugar Dehydrated sugar cane juice Demerara Sugar Dextrin Dextran Dextrose D-fructose D-fructofuranose Diastatic malt Diatase Disaccharide Dixie crystals D-mannose Dried evaporated organic cane juice D-xylose ECJ Evaporated organic cane juice Evaporated corn sweetener (HFCS) Ethyl maltol First molasses Florida Crystals Free Flowing Free flowing brown sugar Fructamyl Fructose (HFCS) Fructose crystals (HFCS) Fructose sweetener (HFCS) Fruit fructose (HFCS) Fruit juice (Often with HFCS) Fruit juice concentrate (Often with HFCS) Fruit sugar (Often with HFCS) Fruit syrup (Often with HFCS) Galactose Glucodry Glucomalt Glucoplus Glucose Glucose-fructose syrup (HFCS) Glucose solids Glucosweet Gluctose fructose (HFCS) Golden molasses Golden sugar Golden syrup Gomme syrup Granulated fructose Granulated sugar Granulated sugar cane juice Grape sugar Grape juice concentrate Gur HFCS HFCS 42 HFCS 55 High dextrose glucose syrup High-fructose corn syrup High fructose maize syrup (HFCS) High maltose corn syrup (Often with HFCS) Hydrogenated starch Hydrogenated starch hydrosylate Hydrolyzed corn starch Honey Honey comb Honey powder HSH Icing sugar Inulin (HFCS) Invert sugar Inverted sugar syrup Invert syrup Icing sugar Isoglucose (HFCS) Isomalt Isomaltotriose Isosweet Jaggery Jaggery powder Lactitol Lactose Levulose Lesys Light brown sugar Light molasses Liquid dextrose Liquid fructose (Often with HFCS) Liquid fructose syrup (Often with HFCS) Liquid honey Liquid maltodextrin Liquid sucrose Liquid sugar Maize syrup (HFCS) Maldex Maldexel Malt Malted barley syrup Malted corn syrup Malted corn and barley syrup Malted barley Maltitol Maltitol syrup Malitsorb Maltisweet Maltodextrin Maltose Maltotriitol Maltotriose Maltotriulose Malt syrup Mannitol Maple Sugar Maple syrup Meritose Meritab 700 Misri Mizuame Molasses Monosaccharide Muscovado sugar Mycose Mylose Nigerotriose Oligosaccharride Organic agave syrup Organic brown rice syrup Organic cane juice crystals Organic coconut palm sugar Organic palm sugar Organic sucanat Organic sugar Organic raw sugar Orgeat syrup Palm sugar Palm syrup Panela Pancake syrup Panocha Pearl sugar Piloncillo Potato maltodextrine Powdered sugar Promitor Pure cane syrup Pure sugar spun Raisin syrup Rapadura Raw agave syrup Raw sugar Raffinose Refiner’s syrup Rice maltodextrine Rice Syrup Rice syrup solids Raw honey Rock sugar Saccharose Sanding sugar Second molasses Shakar Simple syrup Sirodex Soluble corn fiber Sorbitol Sorbitol syrup Sorghum Sorghum molasses Sorghum syrup Sucanat Sucre de canne naturel Sucrose Sucrosweet Sugar Sugar beet syrup Sugar beet crystals Sugar cane juice Sugar cane natural Sugar hat Sulfured molasses Sweetened condensed milk Sweet sorghum syrup Syrup Syrup Table sugar Tagatose Treacle Trehalose Tremalose Trimoline Triose Trisaccharides Turbinado sugar Unrefined sugar Unsulphured molasses White crystal sugar White grape juice concentrate White refined sugar White sugar Wood sugar Xylose Yellow sugar Copyright 2011, 2012 Jeremy Goodwin.) He’s a sneaky one that ex of mine. He really gets around! But in reality we are only on a temporary break. I miss him a lot. Like, as far as the east is from west, a lot!  I’d like almost nothing more than to make my famous buttercream icing and lick the beater like my children clamor to do when I bake. Sigh, I guess the only thing better would be dropping some lbs and resetting my numbers on this diabetic scale.  Yeah, that would be awesome. But just case I have a weak moment i secretly carry around this delectable Dulce De Leche candy. image It’s my temptress and my warning. Some days it narrowly escapes being secretly devoured in my closet/bathroom/ garage- anywhere my children with the supersonic ears can’t hear the crinkling of the cellophane or smell the Carmel-y aroma. It’s quite a load to bear, but it’s survived this long. And so have I. Y’all keep praying for me. I have 10 days left. Oh the agony! 🙂

